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Fiber is now available in parts of independence County and Tupelo

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Unlimited high-speed Internet for everyone in your home.

Packages start at $39.99 per month plus equipment lease.



I could come on here and post about the excellent customer service we always receive. About the phone calls that are always answered or returned after hours. How lightening takes out the tower or signal by us and it is fixed and our internet service is returned promptly. But what I want to mention is the one experience that had me in tears...literally.
My husband, Troy, recently had major surgery in Little Rock at UAMS. We had some very scary days post op with him coming near death his first night post op. In those early morning hours when they called the emergency team and were working on him I felt so hopeless and so very alone. He did respond and we had a few more bumps but finally were able to come home. My four children could not stay the whole time and there were some very bleak day...s. Plus he didn't want the T.V. on or the blinds open so it was dark literally too. One day a knock on the door and behold someone carrying flowers in delivered to him. Who could it be? I thought of some names and looked at the card and was SHOCKED!!! Our local internet provider, Hillbilly Wireless, had sent a basket of sunshine into our dark and bleak world. I cried. The kind gesture touched me in a way I can not even fully put into words. I wasn't alone. He wasn't alone. You guys were thinking of us and that meant so much. It was the only flowers he got...but it was more than enough! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Mary Jacobs


We mount a radio on the outside of your home and point it to a nearby tower. The tower and the radio securely send and receive your Internet content. Wireless radio (CPE) installed on the outside of the home. From the outside radio, we run a cable into your home and install a wireless router (If purchased). This allows you to connect your wired and wireless devices to the Internet, so everyone in your home can get online.

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